Breast AugmentationWilliamsville, NY
Far too often, people go through life wishing they could change certain aspects of their body but never seek professional medical procedures to do so. While we cannot turn back the clock, we can help to alter one’s appearance and change certain features of their body. Depending on the procedure, many of the results will be long-lasting.
What Breast Augmentation can do for You
With breast augmentation, we can help a patient enhance the size of their breasts to the size the patient is comfortable with. By placing implants under the breast tissue, we can enhance the size as well as other factors of the breasts. With various types of procedures, it is possible to alter the shape and size in a healthy and professional way.
If you want to enhance your breasts, then our breast augmentation procedure is the solution for you.
There are multiple reasons a patient may decide to get a breast augmentation procedure. With breast augmentation, we can:
- Enhance the size of the breasts
- Change the size of one breast to match the other
- Alter the position of the breasts to make them even
- Boost confidence
- Restore damaged breasts from injury or medical condition
We will customize the procedure to the patient’s specifications and body. Thus, the patient will be able to decide on the specific size they want their breasts to be. During this consultation, we will also go over the possible risks and outcome of such a procedure. With this procedure, we can help patients draw out their inner confidence by meeting the breast size they desire.
What You need to know About Breast Augmentation
With our plastic surgery services, we can help provide a realistic goal as to what will be comfortable for the patient. What people may not realize about breast augmentation is that there are specific types of implants they can choose to place beneath the breast muscle tissue. While the texture of the outer shell can vary, the two main types of implants are silicone or saline.
The type of implants the patient chooses will vary on a variety of factors that include:
- The cost of each type of implant
- The feel and texture of each implant
- Considering the different risk factors if the implant ruptures
- The desired location of the breasts (may involve a breast lift procedure)
The saline solution of water and saline will fill the breast implant. While they may not feel as natural as silicone, saline implants are usually cheaper. If the saline drains from a ruptured implant, the body will absorb the saline harmlessly into the body.
Naturally, it will be necessary to remove the implant after the rupture but the saline itself will not be as much of a risk. Some saline implants are pre-filled with the sterile saline solution, while others during the surgery.
Silicone implants have various types and brands of silicone to choose from. People usually agree that this type of implant can feel more natural than saline implants but can cost more. Along with that, a ruptured silicone implant can cause other health issues. The time that each type of implant lasts is usually around 10 years.
However, each type of implant will have its own set of pros and cons.
The Breast Augmentation Procedure
In most cases, the patient will be asleep during this procedure. Depending on the type of implant, the location of the breasts and size of the implant, we will typically create an incision around or near the nipple. We can also create an incision under the arm but will determine the most effective location to make the incision during the consultation.
After we make the incision, we will create a pocket between the muscle and breast tissue. We will then insert the implant into this pocket and center it behind the nipple. Once in place, we will close the opening with sutures. We will then wrap the breasts with bandages.
Follow-Up Care
After the procedure, we will review the proper recovery process with the patient. This will involve the patient wearing a sports bra or compression bandage for a few weeks after the procedure. The patient will also need to avoid heavy lifting for about six weeks after the procedure. There will be some soreness and swelling after the procedure for a few weeks.
While bruising is possible most scars will fade away in time. We will go over options to help relieve some of this pain. If you are interested in learning more about breast augmentation, give us a call and schedule a consultation today. As a plastic surgeon in Williamsville, NY, we can help change your body to the ideal image of you.
Breast augmentation, also called “augmentation mammaplasty,” is a procedure designed to enhance the size and improve the shape of a woman’s breasts. Many women report an increased sense of confidence as a result of the added volume and youthful contours that result from this procedure.
How do I know if a breast augmentation is right for me?
Women have many different reasons for choosing breast augmentation surgery, but most of them fall into one of these four categories:
Naturally Small Breasts
Women who have small or asymmetrical breasts due to genetics can achieve enhanced volume and natural-looking results with breast augmentation.
Change in Breast Size After Pregnancy
Pregnancy and breastfeeding often lead to a reduced breast size and cause a deflated breast appearance. Breast augmentation can restore your original breast volume or enhance them to an even larger size.
Breast Revision
If a previous breast surgery was unsatisfactory or resulted in complications, a secondary breast augmentation can be performed to correct any concerns.
Sagging Breasts
Aging, pregnancy, and significant weight loss can cause the breasts to sag and have a poor shape. A breast augmentation (often performed with a breast lift) can improve the shape of the breasts and provide a more youthful appearance.
Silicone vs. Saline
Silicone Implants
FDA-approved for women 22 years or older Pre-filled with silicone gel Lower rate of rupture than saline implants Said to feel more natural than saline implants
Saline Implants
FDA-approved for women 18 years or older Filled with sterile saltwater solution after insertion If a rupture occurs, it will be noticeable immediately Size can be adjusted during surgery
The Breast Augmentation Process
Once you fill out the form above, you will be contacted to confirm an appointment for a one-on-one consultation with the surgeon. This appointment includes an analysis of your health history, any medications you are taking, and what you desire to achieve with the procedure. You should have all of this information with you when you come to your appointment. The surgeon will discuss the techniques that will best provide you with the results you desire and answer any questions you may have.
Preoperative Instructions
Your surgeon will review in detail all of the information you need to know prior to surgery. Generally, patients should avoid smoking and taking anti-inflammatory medication (e.g., aspirin and ibuprofen) for at least two weeks before surgery. Some vitamins and supplements may also cause problems during or after surgery, so it is best to avoid them or to talk to your surgeon about potential side effects. Be sure to arrange for someone to drive you home and care for you for the first 48 hours after your procedure.
During the Procedure
Breast augmentation is typically performed with general anesthesia and takes about two hours to complete. Based on the techniques agreed upon during your consultation, the surgeon will place the implants either above or below the pectoral muscle. Incisions are most commonly made either around the areolas or beneath the breasts at the crease and are closed with sutures.
After surgery, you will likely be advised to wear a compression garment to aid with swelling and to keep you comfortable. Swelling will typically subside after about three weeks but may last as long as a few months. For the first few days after surgery you will need to get plenty of rest and avoid bending or lifting. Most patients are able to return to work in one week and resume regular exercise after about six weeks. Your surgeon will give you more detailed information about what you can expect during your recovery.
Breast Augmentation FAQ
Q. Who are the best candidates for breast augmentation?
A. The best candidates for breast augmentation wish to increase the size of their breasts. Most were either born with naturally small breasts or suffered deflation due to pregnancy, weight loss, or aging. Patients who have excessively sagging breasts may be better candidates for a breast lift or a breast lift with an augmentation. Ideal patients are also in good physical health and do not smoke.
Q. What type of implant should I choose?
A. There are many implant choices available. You have the opportunity to choose between textured or round, silicone or saline, high or moderate profile, and a range of sizes. Your surgeon will recommend the best implant for you based on your physical anatomy and desires for the procedure.
Q. Where are the incisions made?
A. The two most common incision locations are under the breast along the crease (inframammary) and around the nipple (periareolar). Other incision locations include in the underarm (transaxillary) and through the umbilicus (transumbilical, or TUBA). Your surgeon will discuss the pros and cons of each to help determine the best incision location for you.
Q. How long will my breast implants last?
A. Breast implants are not considered lifetime devices and may need to be replaced at some point after the original surgery. However, most surgeons agree that replacement is not necessary unless an issue arises. On average, most women have their implants replaced between ten and fifteen years after they are first inserted.
Q. What complications can occur?
A. As with any surgery, there is a risk of developing complications after breast augmentation. Although rare, the most common complication is capsular contracture. Other complications include implant rupture, symmastia, double-bubble deformity, asymmetry, and implant rippling. Breast revision surgery can correct any complication that may occur.
Q. Is there scarring with breast augmentation?
A. Incisions are placed in locations that are as inconspicuous as possible, and the resulting scars will fade significantly over time. Protecting your scars from the sun will help prevent them from darkening.

Contact Us
Artesia Plastic Surgery is located at
6044 Main St Suite 106
Williamsville, NY